Team GB Qualifiers
Qualifiers for Team GB for the IFCS World Championships will be held at FAB shows throughout the season, with points being awarded through the qualifiers. Courses will be challenging and of a European style. At the end of the season the top dog in each IFCS height will be awarded an automatic place on the selection squad*. Others will be selected from those who’ve competed throughout the season to attend a try out day.
Points will be awarded to a minimum of 20% of entries
Full Points will be awarded for clear runs, half points awarded for 5f runs.
A table is included below outlining the heights of the qualifiers.
For IFCS Mini and IFCS Medium dogs you may run at your dog’s IFCS or KC height but must stick to that for all qualifiers.
There will be separate points/league for dogs running at IFCS height and those running at the lower KC height. (Only applicable to IFCS Mini and Medium dogs)
Only those running IFCS height will be eligible for the automatic place on the selection squad*. However, those running at the lower KC height will be able to gain points and be eligible to be invited to the try out day but must run at IFCS height there.
Dogs measurements will need to be provided or a measure will need to take place.
Team GB IFCS Qualifiers – Height Classes:
The following table outlines the jump heights for the IFCS qualifiers. Dogs measuring at IFCS Mini and IFCS Medium may choose which height to jump as outlined here:
IFCS Height Classes:
Dogs will be required to jump the following heights if selected for the team try out day and when competing at the IFCS Championships:
Standard KC Height Classes for comparison:
To download the official IFCS rules, please click here
For more information about Snooker and Gamblers, please click here.
Links to IFCS official websites: and
* The win on spot guarantees the dog and handler with the most points a place on the Team GB selection squad to train and prepare for the Championships. Please note they will subsequently be invited onto the final competing team dependent on meeting the required criteria of speed and accuracy.
All squad members must demonstrate team sprit, support fellow team members, and conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times. The management reserve the right to ask anyone deemed to not be acting in this way to leave the team at any point leading up to or during the Championships.