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Customer Feedback for Should I Stay or Should I go:

Dawn, just wanted to let you know that my girl nailed her stays at her first trial! So proud of her and thankful for such a simple, straight forward approach that obviously made sense to her. (Nell Wirtes)

Dawn, thank you so much! I have a wait in the competition ring at last. I really thought I had tried everything, but your method has made it so much easier. (Carol Smith)

Thanks a million Dawn. Your method is amazing - Brenna is now sticking on the startline in class, after struggling for over a year. The countdown tells her to be patient because the release is coming. Awesome! (Angela Sutton)

Tim Tam, 4 year old Pomeranian. Our start lines consisted of spinning, barking, visiting scribes.......sometimes I would use his 'scribe visit' as my opportunity to take off just to get ahead of him. I'm pleased to say we haven't had one broken start line since using your training methods. I still need to work on myself, and remembering not to start moving as I release him, but overall I'm so happy with our stays now
THANK YOU Dawn!!!! (Jacki Brennan)


Making fab progress. Doing so well I tried using at training tonight with great results, it's amazing how much difference it makes to the whole run to be able to get into a good starting position. Thanks for sharing this system Dawn Weaver. (Sue Williamson)

Making great progress with Dazzle here in the Netherlands. So proud. Thanks Dawn. (Petra Elias)

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