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FAB Feedback

It is lovely to hear how much you and your dogs are enjoying them, which is what FAB is all about.

If you are new to FAB, we hope to see you at a show soon so that you can find out how good they are for yourself! 

We are incredibly honoured to have received so many comments to publish. Thank you all. 

Nicola Ayres: Just wanted to say what a brilliant time Ralph and I have had at the FAB shows organised by Dawn Weaver, it's a fabulous show and she should be very proud.

Patricia Robinson: Well organised and also relaxed, Dawn should be pleased with herself and her team.

Jodie Mongrubah Forbes: Brilliant day today at our first FAB show. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, definitely one of the nicest agility shows I've ever been to. Thank you.

Kath Hudson: The end of another brilliant FAB weekend…Many thanks to Dawn, and her small army who put on these shows. The shows are always well organised and efficient but most of all, GREAT FUN. We're already looking forward to next year's shows.

Becky Salisbury: Ah how nice... just got home from a great FAB show and got running orders for next weekend’s show. Perfect!

Rachael Brander: Thank you for another lovely show. Lovely courses and judges and venue. Look forward to next years shows!

James Clark: Thanks for putting on another great show. Hazel really loved the courses and I had loads of fun running them with her. See you at FAB next year!

Mary Louise: Thank you to anyone who gave my girl cuddles, praise etc at the Oxford show on Saturday. Two years ago she was so nervous she would do one jump, pee herself and run. You really helped encourage her before and after her runs.

Ceri Jones: We had a FABulous time at the Oxford finals weekend despite the weather! 6 finals wins and 2 x final 2nds between the boys plus a few other wins. Love the fact that Cae can run proper courses in the Senior Jumping and steeplechase thanks to the small jump heights, he gets such a buzz from running. Thanks for a fab time.

Heather Gibson: Had a wonderful weekend at FAB Oxford. First time in the finals and won three out of the four we were in. Big thanks for putting on such a fun and relaxing show. I ran some of the best courses I've ever done this weekend so many thanks to the lovely judges especially those on Sunday for being so cheerful despite the horrid rain.

Rachael Brander: Thank you for a lovely show! Many thanks for letting me run Simon at small! Lovely judges and courses even the ones I could not run as they were too long for me at moment due to recovering from ill health! Also thank you for letting us use our flyball training shute to encourage drive with our younger dogs!

Jacqui Watts: BIG thanks to all the FAB team for a really great fun weekend at the FAB Finals. A lovely bunch of folk having fun with their dogs and still smiling despite the standard issue UK bank holiday weather.

Clare Parker: A huge thank you to all who organise and run them so we can attend them. Me and my girly love these shows, just wish we could get to them all.

Dear Dawn, with great trepidation I entered for our first agility show at Cranleigh recently. After a wobbly start I can say that We had a thoroughly enjoyable day and keen to have another go. All the people we met were so friendly and encouraging and I also got tuition on helping in the ring.  It was the perfect introduction to the world of competing and I am very grateful to your organisation for such a lovely start. I will look forward to any opportunities to enter more of your shows. With grateful thanks Beryl and Lucy (my agility dog).

Good Morning, just wanted to record my thanks for a wonderful weekend at Oxford and hope that today (Monday) goes well for all. This being mine and Tog's first Season of agility I am really glad we "stumbled" across FAB as we have been made most welcome at the three shows we have attended to date and have found the whole atmosphere to be friendly throughout.  This has helped hook us into the agility world. We are still striving for that first clear round but Tog is working hard and learning (as am I, and enhancing my fencing of the ring skills :-)) With regards to the oxford weekend, I would like to comment that the quality of the courses were of the highest standard and I particularly enjoyed the courses in Ring 2 on Sunday. We are looking forward to next season already and hope to build on our small achievements to date (and help to put more ring fences up). All the best Pete and Tog (the comic Toller).

Yet another wet weekend but the ground held up extremely well and all classes were run on both days and was enjoyed by all. Many said what a great show - friendly and relaxed. Many also enjoyed breakfast and lunch from Graham's stand Let's Eat who is now our FAB Show foodie and a few lucky people managed to buy a jar of his homemade marmalade which is reported to be delicious but according to Dawn nothing beats his chocolate cake!

Hannah & Claire Lyon and the spaniels: We just want to say a huge thank you to you and your team for a great FAB Show. It was brilliant to run the dogs at heights and in classes that really suited each of them. The atmosphere was great despite the weather (you coped admirably wiht the elements!). Everyone was so friendly and the dogs enjoyed the edible rosettes! We loved in and will definitely be back for another one.

Sian Mapp: This was my first FAB show and I loved it. It is my first competitive show season and have already been to a number of KC shows, however this one was brilliant as the atmosphere was so friendly and relaxed. This helped Ollie (Dazzle Em Mick) and I have our first win at agility and jumping. Thank you so much for pushing on even though the weather was awful. Looking forward to entering any future FAB shows in the Midlands.

Caroline Simkin (and Jess): Just wanted to say thank you to Dawn & team for soldiering on despite awful weather on Sunday. It was our first FAB show and in spite of the monsoon everyone was so very cheerful and friendly. It was certainly worth getting out of bed at 5.30am to come home with a 1st in Newbie Agility and Newbie Jumping. But the absolute hightlight of the day was to be greeted at the finish line by the Dawn Weaver saying: "Well done, that was lovely." That doesn't happen every day of the week! Really looking forward to our next FAB show when you return to the Midlands. FAB Wiltshire was another popular and successful day.

Nina Fotara: Just wanted to say what a fab time Kodi and I had at FAB Wiltshire. It was so nice that for our first competition ever we had lovely fencing all round that provided peace of mind. I didn't have to worry about Kodi running off so I was able to be more relaxed which in turn helped him to relax and focus. It was also great that at the end of what was a long day for Kodi (being his first show and all) I could run NFC and reward him with his ball which ended the day on a wonderfully positive note. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day. Thank you!

Ella Eccleston: Thank you to Dawn and the judges and all who put so much hard work, goodwill and humour into organising and running the Show. We enjoyed ourselves. Always nice to see Pip Squeak win and although Jim Jam was eliminated in all his Runs, we learnt something from each one. So I might say win-win! So thank you all again; for us the first FAB Show was truly fab!

​Terri Mellow: A big thank you to you and your team for the great day out at your first FAB Show in Cornwall. It was a lovely relaxed atmostphere - me and my dog really enjoyed our day together. We particularly liked the petite height classes as Gibbs is an absolute beginner and this really gave him some confidence. He came home with a clear round under his belt so once again, thank you and well done. Wishing you every success for the future with this FAB venture.

Angela Green: I really enjoyed the Cornwall FAB Show. We had a great time; my young collie Meryl was awarded 2 clear rounds - if only I could run faster! A lovely, friendly competition and the chocolates were a pleasant surprise too. Many thanks.

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